Sinonimo of Agreements

Sinonimo of Agreements

But it is in America that the policy of no-deals or agreements is most advanced at will. But come on, let us bear witness to the gods; because they will be the best witnesses and observers of the agreements. There he produced one of the “three chords that should be included in a song”, namely. Nor will he ever break the faith if there have been oaths or agreements? Shouldn`t ambassadors have been sent to confirm the agreements? There are many other agreements in the facts of the case and the incidents of the play. And when he turned to a bunch of chords that were on his elbow, he got the better of them. It is then obliged to ratify these treaties or agreements; it looks better. Either way, these prediction and event agreements are strange to say the least. He advised her to be conscientious and ask for a copy of the agreement. Now that there is one et cetera in an agreement, there is always an openness to disputes. But the sure tone of him did not provide an answer to Mary`s approval.

Again, they looked at each other as if they agreed with a meaning on their faces. WE tried to make plans, but we could not reach an agreement. It is the eternal agreement, but an agreement whose terms we find difficult to accept. I do not recall anything being said about that in our agreement. Who would not have concluded such an agreement with his conscience? And on the way out, he lived up to the letter of their agreement. The mention of Mege put them all in agreement, because they unanimously hated him. .

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